Dear Partners in Health,
We would like to invite you and your associates for a lay fora entitled “No Sugar Added: Functional and Nutritional Strategies for Diabetes” this March. Please see details below:
Date: March 18, 2017, Saturday
Time: 10:00AM – 3:00PM
Topics: “Understanding the Cause of Diabetes”
“Separating Fact From Fiction: Common Myths about Diabetes”
“A New Way to Understand Diabetes”
“Key Nutrients for Balancing Sugar”
“Planning for a Diabetes Free Life”
Speaker: Dr. Stanley Chua
Functional Medicine Practitioner

REGISTRATION FEE PhP 300.00 (includes lunch and snacks)
**Please forward to someone you know who could benefit from this talk**
For us to reserve seats for you, please do not hesitate to contact us at (02) 463-6052 / (02) 793-8606 / (+63917) 685.0387 / (+63917) 532.2256 or email at or
We are looking forward to seeing you in this event. Thank you, Marketing and Business Development |