Acupuncture, Pilates, Physical Therapist, Osteopathy
Alternative medicine, acupuncture and wellness
Longkang is one of the few clinics in the Philippines provides Traditional Chinese Medicine and acupuncture treatment under certified TCM licensed doctors from Taiwan, China. They provide TCM consultation, acupuncture, Chinese medicine as well cooking the raw herb into a decoction for each patient with qualified large pressure-cooking machines. All medical services are customized due to the individual diagnosis of each patient.
Provides the latest diagnostics that lead to specific treatment plans designed to reverse these conditions and thereby restore the patients’ quality of life regardless of age. MiMMO’s medical services range from target marker blood tests for proteins such as hormones that help identify the specific pathology needed to be dealt with.
Medical Ozone Therapy
Specializes in the prevention and early detectionof diseases, whether acute or chronic, as well aesthetic and regenerative treatments to help you become and stay fully healthy and well.
Antigen Test
Focuses on preventive medicine, age management, holistic treatments of chronic degenerative diseases and age-related disorders. Incorporates different modalities in his practice including Nutritional medicine, IV Nutritional therapies, Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy, Homotoxicology, Oxygen Therapy and Cell Therapy.